
Photo credit: chart of religion increase – © Soze – Agency Dreamstime

As societies hover between dialogue and culture shock, the role of the media in the presentation of events, which in turn affects the shaping of people’s perceptions of those events, is fundamental. Among the hotly debated issues of the last two decades, religious identities and the perception of the role they play take up a central space; this is a reality that must be faced.

The presence of significant deficits in this area is important. Efforts to improve this situation both in the Western world and in other cultural contexts would have a positive effect, in the sense of contributing to a dialogue among civilizations based on mutual acquaintance and respect.

Thus, the Media & Religion programme of the Religioscope Institute aims for the improvement of information about religious realities, their impact on societies and their consequences for international relations. Its aims are to help journalists extend their knowledge, to create transcultural networks and to provide access to documentary resources. This non-ideological and non-partisan programme therefore intends to make a contribution to the prevention of crises and tensions linked to religious factors.

Learn more about:
General objectives of the programme
Methodology of the programme (or how the Media & Religion programme works)