Marie-Laure Schick
Media & Religion programme coordinator
Marie-Laure Schick, born in 1978, graduated in human sciences (history of religions and anthropology) from the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). She carried research on shamanism in Amazonia and published a book, Le chaman qui téléphonait aux esprits (2007). She also worked at the multimedia sector of RSR (Swiss French Radio). She is currently working on a PhD in anthropology dealing with a sanitarian programme in Ecuadorian Amazonia.
Nagwan Abdelmaboud El Ashwal
Media & Religion project manager, Egypt
Nagwan El-Ashwal was born in 1980 and obtained her MA in political science and image studies from Cairo University, Egypt. Her MA dissertation was on Egyptian images of Europe. She is interested in mutual images between Europeans and Arabs, as well as between minorities and majorities in European and Arab countries. At present, she is a lecturer at Ahram Canadian University, Egypt, and is involved in an initiative on Muslim–Christian dialogue in Egypt.
The texts above provide a brief biography of the two team members in 2011. Subsequent biographical information has not been included.